Payment platform
loaded with features!

Send, receive, exchange, spend, manage your digital money effortlessly

Create free account now

Local and international payment tools, bank transfers, cards and more

Join millions of customers all over the world managing their online finances seamlessly and securely

  • Use 9 currencies in a single account

  • Deposit and withdraw on merchant websites

  • Send, receive free instant P2P transfers

  • Get a plastic/virtual card to spend anywhere

  • 24/7 live agent chat and ticket support is available on hundreds of websites all over the world. Adding and withdrawing funds have never been easier. Look for our logo on your preferred digital currency, affiliate or exchange platform.

Send payments worldwide

Get paid by employers or affiliate programs instantly and spend anywhere in the world with our debit card (availability depending on region). Instantly distribute funds in your freelancer team. 

Instant internal transfers

USD, EUR and other currencies. Load and withdraw via a credit or debit card, bank transfers, local transfers, digital currencies and more.

Cards to spend worldwide!

Get an instantly loaded plastic or virtual card for hassle-free worldwide ATM and POS payments

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Your safety as first priority

We take data security extremely seriously. Your account has more protection tools than most similar platforms.

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Get help right away

Never wait for a human agent for hours again. We react to new support tickets, chats and verification submissions within minutes, 24/7/365.

Check the FAQ and get support