
for business accounts

Check out the full list of platform features, fees and currencies below.

No fees for opening or closing an account, verification, monthly or annual maintenance

We strive to offer the best exchange rates and the lowest fees possible.

Receive payments

Let customers from all over the world pay you right on your website. Credit cards, wallets — whatever works best for your client. Always fast, always simple.

Payment type
Payments from Volet.com wallets
USD, EUR + others

Visa/Mastercard cards
Different currencies

Payment type

Payments from Volet.com wallets

USD, EUR + others

Visa/Mastercard cards

Different currencies

Mass payouts

Easily send money to your employees, customers, affiliates and more, wherever they are. Use our API to add mass payout features to your exchange, affiliate program or any other business.

Payment type
Transfers to Volet.com wallets
USD, EUR + others

Payouts to Visa/Mastercard cards
Different currencies

Payment type

Transfers to Volet.com wallets

USD, EUR + others

Payouts to Visa/Mastercard cards

Different currencies

For merchant fees, contact us to get a custom quote.