
At, we understand finance is built on trust, and trust is built on security. Our cybersecurity and data protection philosophy dictates that our valued customers should be protected on every step of their journey from submitting KYC documents to making payments and beyond.

Our users and merchants choose from more account protection tools than on most other payment platforms.

We treat all data as sensitive, storing it only on physically protected, HSM-encrypted servers.

Security- and privacy-driven internal policies keep the safe payment environment our customers deserve.

We constantly research phishing and other threats to mitigate existing and emerging risks beyond our own platform.

Powerful and customizable

Both merchant and personal accounts come with an unmatched set of security tools. Intelligent environment monitoring, physical and software OTP tokens, payment passwords, IP restrictions and more. Anyone can set up multi-tier account and payment protection that would literally be impossible to breach.

2FA made easy

Get one-time passwords to your preferred messenger. 2FA powered by Protectimus, a certified provider and coordinating member of OATH. No need to carry a device or use special software (you still can if you want). Just copy the OTP from Messenger, WhatsApp, or Telegram. Software and physical OTP tokens are also available.

Protection in the background

Safeguarding your account and funds does not stop with just giving you the tools to configure. Hundreds of factors in user behavior and environment are analyzed on the fly, minimizing the risk of phishing and other attacks. Whenever anything looks suspicious, nothing goes through until you confirm it.

  1. Hetzner, Serverius datacenters, Imperva attack protection
  2. Server clustering, Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  3. HSM encryption (hardware security module)
  4. Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)
  5. OATH-compliant 2FA by Protectimus
  6. CWYS (Confirm What You See) data signing
  7. PSD2-compliant Dynamic Linking
  8. Secure SDLC practices
  9. PCI DSS certified